
Clubs & Activities


Yet another glittering crown to Viswadeepthi is that the introduction of Red Cross Unit in the school. The students of 8th standard are eligible to enroll their names in the unit and the Red Cross Society will give training under the prescribed syllabus about the duties and responsibilities including the training in First Aid. We are immensely proud to introduce the Red Cross Unit in our school.



To fertilize the literary skill of the children and also to make them to participate in different literary competition, the literary club has formed and working effectively in the school. Conducting seminars, discussing about the new trend in literature, honouring the literatures etc are the main job of the club.



To enhance the talent in music and also to give training to participate in different competitions, the school has formed a music club under the well experienced guidance of music teacher Mr. John Mary



The wistful minds of Viswadeepthians have brought many fabulous prizes to school through the various quiz competitions organized both in State and District ways. The quiz club of the school provides opportunities to participate in quiz programmes and make the children update with the general knowledge.



To nourish the scientific culture and also to promote the talent in science the Science Club of the school is doing a lot. The Club often conducts seminars, debate, remembrance about the renowned scientists. Moreover every day science questions are to published on the Notice Board at the science corner.



The maths club of the school is very active, discussing the new mathematical inventions and also used to help the children those who are back in maths. Moreover during exhibitions used to conduct maths expose.



Global warming is the greatest threat to human life now- a- days, need to give much and more care to prevent and save the universe from depletion. The Eco Club of the school is creating awareness among the buds about the need to save the world not only from the global warming but how to keep earth as lively. Moreover, the club used to take students outside the school to witness many progressive eco programs.



The school used to conduct debate on various subjects often to develop the knowledge in the subject and also develop the presentation skill of the children. The resource people from outside even participate and monitor the debate.



Apart from the academic learning, the school is providing the utmost care to develop the physical and mental strength of the children. Sports Council is giving training in Basket Ball, Foot Ball, shuttle, badminton, karate, track events like high jump, long jump, short put etc apart from indoor games such caroms, chess etc. Headed by the Principal as it chairman, the club has eminent and experienced sports coach and members.



To reduce the grievance towards the girls and lady staff a committee has constituted with the Principal as its Chairman. The problems like misbehavior, harassment and other grievances faced by the girls and lady staff are discussed in the cell and finding solutions here.



Under the Chairmanship of the Principal there is a special cell to solve the different problems facing by the differently abled children in the school. Even in the presence of parents their problems are discussed and solved.



To promote the interest and skill in Philately (Collection of Stamps) and Numismatic (Collection of Coins) among the children, a club has formed and effectively going on.
